7 Aralık 2011 Çarşamba

Western babies Vs Eastern babies

There's this thing I've always observed and I cannot understand why. I know it's kinda weird but after seeing it here in Sweden, I felt like I have to write this..

That is, I have almost never seen a crying baby in Europe. They are always silent or sleeping, emotionless or smiling but they are never unhappy and crying out loud.. It happened to take my interest as it's always one of the most annoying things when I travel inside Turkey.. In a bus, train or in the street.. It doesnt matter, there's always a baby crying non-stop and you do everything you can take some sleep during your journey, turn the music on so loud but still... You cant avoid hearing that kid. It just happened last time I went, the kid cried his ass off for 45 minutes and their parents could do nothing to stop..(the only way they know is threatening him via telling the driver or the police would get mad at him anyway )

Once, I even thought about proposing baby-free vagons in the trains or baby-free buses between cities. I still think I would even pay more for that service.

But here in Europe, it's not anything like that.. I always see babies in the buses and they always stay in peace. They dont cry, they dont disturb their parents constantly, they are just silent kids.

I always realize this difference at the very begining of my way to Turkey.. When I just take the plane from Copenhagen, it's always the same.. It doesnt happen when I fly to somewhere else. There must be something wrong with the babies of this area.

Actually, I had the chance to have a "controlled experiment" here as there are lots of immigrants. There were two babies in the bus, staying side by side in their baby-cars. One is Swedish, the other from Middle-east something. And the Middleeastern kid started to cry and did not stop. He threw something on the floor, he cried, he didnt want to sit there, bla bla bla.. Always seeked attention from his mother. And the blonde one was literally shocked staring at the other kid, trying to find a meaning about what he is doing and why. I still cant get that image out of my mind.. They even looked at each other for a while, the crying baby stopped for a moment and kept crying afterwards, and the other was looking with totally flat eyes without any sign of emotion.

What is this about? Are the kids in this part of the world born problematic? Is this the reason why there are always these fights and wars and nonstop incidents in this area?

Or is it about the way they raise their kids, do they teach them from the birth that crying is not a solution and it's not gonna bring any good?!?

I cant really understand this..I wish this was my master thesis instead of this stupid machines world.
I really believe this is important. Because I know that, that Swedish kid will never have a fight in his entire life and do not cause any problems for no reason.. And the other one? Well, who knows..
But check the crime rates in Eu, statistics do say something.

Before, I used to think it's all about education, I actually still believe that... but now I'm thinking whether it can go into your genes or not when you educate a generation for long enough..
Oooppss, forget it ;)

1 yorum:

  1. I agree! I was getting the number 1 bus from bergasa - lyckeby and a middle eastern child (aged maybe 2/3) sat across from me and kicked my legs from bergasa until kungsmarkistan! It was a case of discipline and sheer lack of respect for his mother who just sat there saying his name or something else in her language!
